Khen Rinpoche Ven. Geshe Thubten Chonyi: teachings on “The Songs of Experience”
Khen Rinpoche Ven. Thubten Chonyi, Abbot of Kopan and our Monastery, with great generosity, will continue the teachings on the subject “The Songs of Experience. The brief exposition of the stages of the path to enlightenment (Lam rim bsdus don)” by Lama Tsongkhapa, and will be translated into Italian and English. This is a text that His Holiness the Dalai Lama, during our meeting with Him last year, asked us to study, reflect and meditate.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for all of us. The course is open to everyone for free.
Introduction to The Songs of Experience
The lam-rim, or gradual path, offers a wonderful overview of the Buddha's teaching, the path he followed to enlightenment, and everything we ourselves need to achieve it.
In this short text of 25 verses Lama Tsongkhapa explains, starting from his own experience, the path to be taken step by step to reach the state of Buddha. By constantly studying, reflecting and meditating on various subjects and gaining experience of them, just remembering them will give you a fantastic feeling. Thus, the entire path, everything that the Buddha taught, will become familiar. Through perseverance, everything will come in its time.
How to participate in the live-streaming
Connected Saturday June 29 2024, from 9: 00 to 10: 30 (Italian time), up Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86203334558
Do you want to access the video recordings in Italian of the first two days of teaching
Sign up for free on our Course Platform and watch the videos of the teachings, along with many other study support materials.
- Text "Songs of Experience. The Brief Exposition of the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lam rim bsdus don)”
- Prayers before and after the teaching
To access them, please register for the course, which we remind you is open to all free of charge. Sign up here: https://corsi.monasterobuddhista.it/courses/khen-rinpoche/
Do you want to access the video recordings in English of the first two days of teaching?
Video recordings in English of Ven. Khen Rinpoche Thubten Chonyi's teachings on The Songs of Experience are now available on the Sangha Onlus YouTube channel.
EN-English: https://bit.ly/3xdwpw8 TEXTS IN ENGLISH: The texts in English are available here:
- For the texts of the Prayers CLICK HERE
- For the text of The Songs of Experience CLICK HERE