Help us bring this wonderful project to life. Let's write history together.


Your donation will go solely to support the Monastery project. Heartfelt thanks 🙏🏻

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If you donate from abroad and you don't have a tax code, enter 0000
Select your payment method

By donating by bank transfer we will not be charged any commission, and we will receive the full amount of your kind donation.
To make a donation by bank transfer, follow this procedure:

  1. Banca Etica: Sangha ETS Foundation beneficiary
  2. Make the transfer to the following IBAN: IT68W0501802800000017243205
  4. Causal: Donazione
  5. Once the donation has been made, send us an e-mail notification to, specifying also there transfer date and the FISCAL CODE, so that we can send you a receipt.
  6. We remind you that your donation is tax deductible.

Thanks for your precious and loving support.

Here's what you are about to donate:
Donation summary
Donation amount
Donation frequency
Only one
Donation total

Donation total: €500