The new platform for spirituality courses
Discover courses, activities and meditations offered by the monks and nuns of Sangha Onlus.
The new platform for spirituality courses
Discover courses, activities and meditations offered by the monks and nuns of Sangha Onlus.
The new platform for spirituality courses
From February 14th, online for the first time, led by Ven. Ani Ciampa Tashi, we will study and practice the gradual path to Enlightenment (Lam Rim) as described in Pabonka Rinpoche's (1878-1941) text Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand.
“Liberation in the palm of your hand.” A new online course with Ven. Ani Ciampa Tashi. Read more >>
In December we participated in the International Sangha Forum in Bodhgaya, the place of Buddha's enlightenment. In the first three days of the conference, some rules of the Vinaya and the role of Buddhism in the 21st century were discussed.
Lots of news from the trip to India Read more >>
On Sunday 23 July, on the hill of the Monastery, we had a visit from Tenzin Lodoe son of Ngari Rinpoche and nephew of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
In the hills, the visit of Tenzin Lodoe nephew of the Dalai Lama Read more >>
Today July 21, 2023 is Chökor Düchen, one of the four main sacred days in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, in which we celebrate Buddha Shakyamuni's First Dharma Wheel Turning.
Happy Chökor Düchen: First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma Read more >>
We share the images of the Puja in Dzambhala (protective deity and of the increase, especially of wealth), and of the Blessing of the Monastery land, carried out on the auspicious day June 13, 2023,
Puja to Dzambhala and Blessing of the Monastery Grounds Read more >>
With great joy we announce that on June 13, the anniversary of the visit of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Sangha Onlus Association together with the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute, organizes at 17 pm the ritual ceremony of the Lama Chopa and Tsog, on the hill of Monastery.
A day of great celebration and conviviality
We are pleased to share the meetings we had in Dharamsala with Khen Rinpoche, Ven. Ghesce Thubten Chonyi, the abbot appointed a few months ago by our precious spiritual director, Lama Zopa Rinpoche.
We present our Abbot ven. Geshe Thubten Chonyi Read more >>
We are pleased to inform you of further news of these days.
We have "opened" the symbolic door of the Temple and started the greening of the quarry.
The symbolic door of the Monastery and the beginning of the greening works Read more >>
One year after his death, on Wednesday 18 May at 21:25, the first Rai 1 documentary on Franco Battiato is broadcast
Battiato: on May 18th on Rai 1 “The courage to be Franco” with scenes shot in Pomaia Read more >>