In memory of Gheshe Ciampa Ghiatso

Monday 27 November 2023 marks the 16th anniversary of the day on which our precious master Gheshe Ciampa Ghiatso left his body.

On the day of commemoration of our first abbot, we monks and nuns of Sangha Onlus organized a series of activities to remember, already in the morning, our precious Master, so that his precious and perfect reincarnation is recognized soon.

You are all invited to participate by connecting to the Zoom link below.

Enter Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 853 5308 8111
Access code: 833359



  • 7:00 am – “Inexhaustible nectar of bodhicitta”
    Ven Siliana Bosa will guide us in the meditation practice based on the eight rooms of mental training composed by Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche.
  • 8:00 am – “The treasure we have in our hands”
    The Fri. Tenzin Palmo guides us in the explanation and in a meditation on the precious human rebirth.
  • 8am – Recitation of “The Holy Names of Manjushri”.
    The Fri. Th. Jangsem will guide us in the recitation of this practice which is so important for the recognition of the perfect reincarnations of our precious Masters, according to the indications of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
    NB: The live recitation will be in English.


  • 15pm (time to be updated) – “My experience with the precious Maestro”
    The Fri. Ciampa Tashi will share with us his memories of Gheshe Ciampa Ghiatso.
  • 18 pm – (info and timetable to be updated on
    We will participate in the Puja in memory of Gheshe Ciampa Ghiatso in the Meditation Room of the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute.


Geshe Ciampa Ghiatso, known affectionately at the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute as Geshe-la, was born into a nomadic family in Tibet. During his studies at Sera Je monastery, Geshe-la soon became friends with another young monk named Thubten Yeshe (later founder of the FPMT).

A few years later, after engaging in various Buddhist research and study projects, Geshe-la received a letter from his old friend Lama Yeshe asking him to travel to the West to teach. In 1980, after a brief period of teaching Westerners at the Kopan Monastery in Nepal, Geshe-la arrived at the Lama Tsong Khapa Institute, where he remained as a resident teacher until his death in November 2007. Geshe-la was for several years abbot of the monastery of Nalanda in France and first abbot of the monastic community of Pomaia as well as active inspirer of the Sangha Onlus association.


Nov 27 2023


Throughout the day