Geo-resources students from the University of Pisa on the hill

We monks and nuns of Sangha Onlus are extremely happy that the naturalistic area of ​​the Monastery is already of benefit to the students of Georesources of the Natural and Environmental Sciences degree course of the University of Pisa.

Young minds in training who with commitment and dedication are dedicating themselves to understanding and safeguarding the environment and our precious planet.

In recent days, a group of 20 students was guided in an off-site lesson by he lecturer Prof. Sergio Rocchi and by the expert on the subject Dr. Irene Rocchi, professors of the Department of Earth Sciences.

The complex environmental framework of the disused quarry where the Monastery will be built was an opportunity for them to visit localities where active or disused mining activities took place, in order to visualize the naturalistic and environmental aspects of geo-resource mining activities such as clay minerals, gypsum, serpentinites, raw materials for ceramics and metal sulphides. All in connection with the geodynamic framework of the evolution of the northern Apennine chain.

In particular, in the abandoned quarry of Pomaia, the students were able to touch the ancient ocean bed, which was formed 160 million years ago, which then closed to generate the Apennine mountain range. They were also able to experience the phenomenologies of the interaction processes between the rocks of the ocean floor and the sea water, which have generated the different generations of mineral veins of the serpentine group.