For the Swift Return of Lama Zopa Rinpoche: Continuous Recitation of the Names of Manjushri

The day of Lhabab Düchen, theInternational Mahayana Institute (IMI) community of Buddhist monks and nuns of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), began a continuous recitation of the chanting of the Names of Manjushri (Jampal Tshan Jo) for the speedy and auspicious return of Lama Zopa Rinpoche – an activity to which all Rinpoche's students in the world can participate!

His Holiness the Dalai Lama advised: “Please recite the names of Manjushri (Jampal Tshan Jo) continuously for now…”. If we take the word “continuously” literally, it could mean a twenty-four-hour relay for several months! It could be very powerful to have uninterrupted and collective acting by all of IMI and FPMT.


1. Choose the time you want to do the recitation.
2. Below is the link where all the Sangha, students and disciples of Lama Zopa Rinpoche in the world can book the recitation (paying attention to the time zone column). here >>
3. Remember the time; it's a trust system: you can do it at home/anywhere from Sunday to Friday; on Saturdays please join us on Zoom.


On Saturday you can listen to others and participate in silence

Meeting ID: 878 5810 9055
Access code: 956224

We invite all students to sign up for one time slot each week, to ensure a continuous flow of participation in this collective effort.
It is possible for more than one person to sign up for a particular time slot, in case the first person forgets or misses the recitation time.

Students will need to keep track of the time they signed up for and act out on their own when the time is right. Only Saturdays are on Zoom, not the rest of the week. This way we do not exclude students who are shy or uncomfortable from performing publicly.

Everyone can do it in their own language, of course!
Thanks in advance, we hope to read many names of students who have signed up.


Chanting of the Holy Names of Manjushri

Text in Italian
English text:

Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive offers the video of Lama Zopa Rinpoche's oral transmission of Chanting of the Holy Names of Manjushri.

We share the audio of the Oral Transmission (tib.lung) of the text “Song of the Holy Names of Manjushri”

of His Eminence Jhado Rinpoche, recorded in Pomaia during his last visit to the Monastery Hill on 18 April 2023.

As requested by His Holiness the Dalai Lama we dedicate your listening and recitation for a speedy return of the reincarnation of our beloved and incomparably kind Guru, Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

Click here and listen: